Monday, April 30, 2012

"Understanding Orwell" Rewrite.

Rewrite of the written assignment about "Understanding Orwell."

  1. Using Rubric Score of 6-5-4-3-2-1
  2. Use a qoute correctly in a written paragraph
  3. Explained thoroughly the paradox that "conciousness is needed to rebel."
  4. Connect how this "conciousness" is or isn't achieved in 1984 and a real example like "Kimijonglia" 

1 comment:

  1. since the people recive no info of the real world. they know nothing better "untill they become concoius they will never rebel" the problem with the american people is not they dont have the info it is just they are too distracecd. and to lazy to rebel "they have to rebel in oder to become councious" the lac of info or the rejection of info stops them from seeing the truth
