Monday, April 30, 2012

Nazi Medicine

In the Shadow of the Reich: Nazi Medicine

In the Shadow of the Reich: Nazi Medicine (1997; 60 minutes) is a one-hour documentary by Prof. John J. Michalczyk, Director of Film Studies at Boston College, completed for the 50th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Physicians' Trial (December 1946-August 1947).
The documentary was shot at the Auschwitz and Majdanek concentration camp and features a score of interviews with the leading scholars and survivors involved in the study of Nazi medicine: Dr. Michael Grodin, Dr. Charles Roland, Dr. Jay Katz, Mrs. Eva Kor, Dr. Arthur Caplan, Prof. Michael Kater, Prof. Donald Dietrich, and Dr. Paul Vinger, along with a 1995 interview at Auschwtiz with a former S.S. doctor, Hans Munch. During the Third Reich, in a step by step process, the Nazi doctors went from racial theory, to sterilization of the unfit, to euthansia, and eventually arrived at the Final Solution of the Jewish question--genocide. The doctors were integrally involved with these decisions in every way, from racial laws and diagnoses to selections and unethical experimentation. This documentary graphically traces the medical involvement in this process.

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