Wednesday, April 25, 2012

1984 Study TEST Questions part 3

1984 Study TEST Questions part 3
Directions:  Answer all of the following questions as completely as you can.  In addition, choose two questions from each Part to explore in more depth: for these questions, select a quote or passage that answers the question, explicating in your own words the significance of that passage to the plot, characterizations, or thematic ideas of the novel.  For each quote you explicate, type a thick, weighty, thoughtful and thought-provoking paragraph. Questions and explications for each section are due according to the following schedule: PART I (4/11), PART II (4/18), PART III (TBA).   Each Part (not counting paragraphs) is worth 15 points.  Each paragraph is worth an additional 10 points.
Do this assignment neatly on your own paper.  Explication paragraphs must be typed.  I will count off for sloppiness!!
Part 3

1.         Explain what the Mini-Luv is, and what it is like.

2.         What is Smith's imprisonment like?

3.         How is Smith "educated?"

4.         When Smith hears O'Brien what does he think?  But what does he find out?

5.         What is Room 101?

6.         At what point does Smith betray himself as not "Re-educated?"

7.         What is in for him in 101?

8.         How or when do we know he is truly broken down?

9.         Where does Smith find himself at the end of the 1984?

10.       What probably happens in the end?     To Winston Smith?   To Julia?


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