Friday, April 27, 2012

Dublethink Double Agent O'Brien

I love that with doublethink you get all the full benefit of the circular argument. I love that it makes it possible for opposites to exist simultaneously and to fully believe whatever stance is convenient for the moment. O'Brien is the epitome of doublethink because whatever people seem to believe at the time, he fills that roll. I like to think that he was once a rebel converted, because often those make the best "converters" (for lack of a better word, the person to convert others in the future) because he will be able to understand them, and also personally want to educate and light the way for them. He is like the shepherd trying to find the lost sheep, he wants to bring them back. Despite the fact that to us as third-party individuals who have the benefit of seeing the regime as a whole and wanting Winston to win against it, O'Brien believes heart and soul this regime. This is what makes him so scary. And what makes the anti-climactic conversion of Winston so frightning, humans can effectively be broken down and reconstructed. A similar thing happened to Dostoevsky. It really is possible.
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