Monday, April 30, 2012

Part 3 of 1984 Study Guide

Turn in 1984 written questions typed.


  1. this is where you can post your part 3 1984 typed extended answers that includes a quote cited correctly.

  2. John Sumoge - per.2

    In chapter 6 of 1984 Orwell writes “your worst enemy, he reflected, was your nervous system. At any moment the tension inside you was liable to translate itself to some visible symptom.” This means that your nervous system is your worst enemy because it triggers anything that bothers you the most in your head it makes you believe that whatever you feel is actually there to scare you. This is important to the scary because in life big brother uses people nervous system to scare them into doing something that will benefit them.
    In the story smith has been truly broken down when he told O’Brian “I love you” and to spare him and torture Julia. He broke and gave in because of the torture made him crack especially when they put the rats in his face. He couldn’t stand facing his deepest fears so through torture they convinced him to think a different way. This relates to a brave new world when they were using shock therapy to get the little kid to play a game against his will. This relates to life because people always use this type of discipline to get whate

  3. Part 3 Ramon Mendez

    Question #7
    ”You asked me once” said Obrien , “What was in room 101”. Inside room 101 is something that everyone fears, they encounter theyre greatest fear, in Winstons case it was rats.In this room it is the acceptance, its meant to re-educate you . Room 101 contains the worst thing in the world, and it varies from individuals.The reason for this room is because, one will do watevrer they have to do in order to avoid and keep themselves out of that room.”You asked me once” said Obrien , “What was in room 101”This shows the theme of the story and also the meaning of which what happens when you go against the government.

    Question #
    “He did not know where he was, Presumably he was in the ministry of love ; but there was no way of making certain.”The ministry of love maintains law and order. In our society today you can think of the ministry of love as Guantanamo bay, nothing but torture.In there they re-educate you and torture you.The ministry of love enforces loyalty and love of big brother through fear and is meant to brainwash you in some way.
