Monday, April 30, 2012

Part 3 of 1984 Study Guide

Turn in 1984 written questions typed.

"Understanding Orwell" Rewrite.

Rewrite of the written assignment about "Understanding Orwell."

  1. Using Rubric Score of 6-5-4-3-2-1
  2. Use a qoute correctly in a written paragraph
  3. Explained thoroughly the paradox that "conciousness is needed to rebel."
  4. Connect how this "conciousness" is or isn't achieved in 1984 and a real example like "Kimijonglia" 

Nazi Medicine

In the Shadow of the Reich: Nazi Medicine

In the Shadow of the Reich: Nazi Medicine (1997; 60 minutes) is a one-hour documentary by Prof. John J. Michalczyk, Director of Film Studies at Boston College, completed for the 50th Anniversary of the Nuremberg Physicians' Trial (December 1946-August 1947).
The documentary was shot at the Auschwitz and Majdanek concentration camp and features a score of interviews with the leading scholars and survivors involved in the study of Nazi medicine: Dr. Michael Grodin, Dr. Charles Roland, Dr. Jay Katz, Mrs. Eva Kor, Dr. Arthur Caplan, Prof. Michael Kater, Prof. Donald Dietrich, and Dr. Paul Vinger, along with a 1995 interview at Auschwtiz with a former S.S. doctor, Hans Munch. During the Third Reich, in a step by step process, the Nazi doctors went from racial theory, to sterilization of the unfit, to euthansia, and eventually arrived at the Final Solution of the Jewish question--genocide. The doctors were integrally involved with these decisions in every way, from racial laws and diagnoses to selections and unethical experimentation. This documentary graphically traces the medical involvement in this process.

Film notes: Nazi Medicine and The Science of Dogs

You will be able to:
  1. Take notes on the documentary using a graphic organizer
  2. Define: Eugenics, Social Darwinism, and Class Hierarchy

Social Darwinism
Class hierarchy

Friday, April 27, 2012

Dublethink Double Agent O'Brien

I love that with doublethink you get all the full benefit of the circular argument. I love that it makes it possible for opposites to exist simultaneously and to fully believe whatever stance is convenient for the moment. O'Brien is the epitome of doublethink because whatever people seem to believe at the time, he fills that roll. I like to think that he was once a rebel converted, because often those make the best "converters" (for lack of a better word, the person to convert others in the future) because he will be able to understand them, and also personally want to educate and light the way for them. He is like the shepherd trying to find the lost sheep, he wants to bring them back. Despite the fact that to us as third-party individuals who have the benefit of seeing the regime as a whole and wanting Winston to win against it, O'Brien believes heart and soul this regime. This is what makes him so scary. And what makes the anti-climactic conversion of Winston so frightning, humans can effectively be broken down and reconstructed. A similar thing happened to Dostoevsky. It really is possible.
parapony is offline  

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Holistic Scoring Rubrics For Essay

Does this essay score as a 6? You Decide.

Understanding Orwell revised

The proles will never become conscious or aware of the situation because they are controlled by the thought police, hunger, proganda, technology and just hard living in general, they need a
person to guide them like Goldstein.  When enough of them become aware to make a change, then as a group can rebel. And finally afterwards they will they see the real world as it truly is. “Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious” (Orwell 70).  This is true for the North Koreans.  In  the North Korean detention camps, people were born in to captivity and werent aware of the outside world. It took outsiders to smuggle in books, like The Count of Monte Cristo, for them to even be aware of the word "escape". If it wasn't for the book and introducing the new idea of escape, they life would still remain the same. Captive without even knowing it. Controlled with no hope for change.

Corrections and revision:

The proles will never become conscious or aware of the situation because they are controlled by the thought police, hunger, propaganda, technology and just hard living in general, they need a
person to guide them like Goldstein. When enough of them become aware to make a change, then as a group can rebel. And finally afterwards they will they see the real world as it truly is that their life is no longer their own, but Big Brother's. “Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious” (Orwell 70). This is true for the North Koreans. In the North Korean detention camps, people were born in to captivity and weren't aware of the outside world. It took outsiders to smuggle in books, like The Count of Monte Cristo, for them to even be aware of the word "escape". If it wasn't for the book and introducing the new idea of escape, their life would still remain the same. Captive without even knowing it. Controlled with no hope for change.

You will be able to:

respond to literature.
analyze a qoute from 1984.
connect literature to real life.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Understanding Orwell #1

“Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious” (Orwell 70).


Using the context of 1984, explain the meaning of this qoute and how it pertains to the "proles?"

In addition, explain how this qoute relates to our society today?

1984 Study TEST Questions part 3

1984 Study TEST Questions part 3
Directions:  Answer all of the following questions as completely as you can.  In addition, choose two questions from each Part to explore in more depth: for these questions, select a quote or passage that answers the question, explicating in your own words the significance of that passage to the plot, characterizations, or thematic ideas of the novel.  For each quote you explicate, type a thick, weighty, thoughtful and thought-provoking paragraph. Questions and explications for each section are due according to the following schedule: PART I (4/11), PART II (4/18), PART III (TBA).   Each Part (not counting paragraphs) is worth 15 points.  Each paragraph is worth an additional 10 points.
Do this assignment neatly on your own paper.  Explication paragraphs must be typed.  I will count off for sloppiness!!
Part 3

1.         Explain what the Mini-Luv is, and what it is like.

2.         What is Smith's imprisonment like?

3.         How is Smith "educated?"

4.         When Smith hears O'Brien what does he think?  But what does he find out?

5.         What is Room 101?

6.         At what point does Smith betray himself as not "Re-educated?"

7.         What is in for him in 101?

8.         How or when do we know he is truly broken down?

9.         Where does Smith find himself at the end of the 1984?

10.       What probably happens in the end?     To Winston Smith?   To Julia?



You will be able to respond to literature through the study guide.
YOu will be able to take notes with the Categorized graphic Organizer.


Part 3: 1984 Study guide

Graphic Oragnizer: 1984 Theme connections

Monday, April 23, 2012

National Geographic: Science of Dogs


YOU will be able to:

Evaluate a peer's paper.
Take notes of Media identiying examples of Theme.

1984 Part 2 Response Rubric

Answer question thoroughly 5 -4 -3-2-1
Used a qoute well 5-4-3-2-1
Identified a significance to passage according to: plot, character or theme. 5-4-3-2-1
Explained the significance thoughtfully 5-4-3-2-1

Total up and divide by 4 to get overall score.

Turn in to Period box with "corrected by" on it.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Student essay

How would you judge the essay from the rubric?


A: Address Cohen 5 4 3 2 1
B: respond to the topic of Hiring For the look 5 4 3 2 1
C: Demonstrate critical thoughts that arent too simple. 5 -4 -3-2-1

D: Used Examples with Citations, Organized 5 -4 -3-2-1

F. Grammar and diction 5 -4 -3-2-1

Essay Rubric


You will be able to evaluate and respond to study guide based on reading 1984.

You will be able to use a quote from 1984 and explain the importance of either

1. Character
2. Theme
3. Plot

Thursday, April 19, 2012


You will be able to evaluate a peer's essay and provide constructive feedback.



You will be able to respond to literature by answering questions from Study guide.
You will be able to find examples that connects themes to 1984 and Kimjongilia.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mr. Savage, School Psychologist

Speaker: Portia Cowlings, Job Corp

Take notes.
Then write a reflection on what you learned in the presentation

Topics and themes in 1984 and Kimjongilia

Cornell style notes: write down connections to the following topics:

Topics                                                                           Connections
Dangers of Totalitarianism

Psychological Manipulation                                            Kimjongolia - Kim Jun Il is god.
                                                                                          1984 - Thought crime is punishable by Death

Physical Control                                                                 Detention Camps -Kim
                                                                                             Thought Police - Ministry of Peace

Control of Information

Technology or Lack of It

Religion vs. State Philosophy